Ferro e cuoio, rumore e sigarette. Gli albori della motorcycle culture e i suoi protagonisti (photo collection)

Dove siamo ora lo dobbiamo a loro, ai grandi influencer del ‘900. Non solo questi personaggi hanno contribuito all’evoluzione della musica e del cinema ma ci hanno consegnato, con il passare del tempo, uno stile di vita improntato alla libertà, all’eleganza, alla velocità. Protagonista indiscussa la moto, in tutte le sue accezioni: dalle cruiser, ai chopper, alle café racer, si capisce forte e chiaro che, dove c’è talento artistico, le due ruote la fanno da padrona. Se i vari Steve, Paul, Clint sono ancora oggi i nostri modelli di stile, da dove traevano loro stessi tanta ispirazione? Non c’è dubbio che il connubio tra moto iconiche (le Triumph in primo luogo) e grandi menti artistiche abbia influenzato, in maniera fortissima fin dagli albori, l’evoluzione del costume degli ultimi cento anni.

[The big influencers of the 20th century contributed not only to evolution of music and cinema, but also to lifestyle, establishing a way of life based on freedom, elegance and culture. Motorcycles have always be part of amazing people’s life: from cruisers, to choppers, to café racer, it’s evident that where we find artistic talent, the two wheels are part of the setting. Steve, Paul, Clint are with no doubt authentic style icons, but where did they find their inspiration? We don’t know how to answer, but the bond between some types of motorcycles (Triumphs above all) and artistic personalities have strongly influenced lifestyle’s evolution during the last 100 years].

01 Nov 1962, Munich, West Germany --- Between takes on the film , Steve McQueen in the driver's position on a motorcycle with James Garner behind him and James Coburn in the sidecar, about to roar through nearby Munich, West Germany. --- Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

Steve McQueen, James Garner, James Coburn, 1962, Monaco, Germania Ovest. Courtesy of Corbis©

SI_Steve awesome 2

SI_Steve Neile

Ancora l’immortale Steve McQueen


Paul Newman era un appassionato di motocross…


… e scorrazzava abitualmente in moto sul set

SI_Robert Redford Yamaha 1972

Robert Redford e la sua Yamaha nel 1972

Lauren Hutton - Robert Redford

Lauren Hutton e Robert Redford

28 Mar 1953, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA --- 3/28/1953-Hollywood, CA: Jocelyn Brando, who won fame as the only woman in the cast of "Mr. Roberts," chats with her famous brother Marlon as the both of them work temporarily in the same studio on seperate pictures. Marlon stars in the new Stanley Kramer Production, "The Wild One." They have never acted together previously on stage or screen. --- Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

I fratelli Marlon e Jocelyn Brando sul set de’ “Il Selvaggio” nel 1953. Courtesy of Corbis©

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Bruce Springsteen e la sua moto

SI Peter Fonda

Peter Fonda e l’immancabile Harley Davidson

SI Jack Nicholson

Jack Nicholson ai tempi di primi B-Movie e la sua Harley super-chopped

Ann Margret Suzuki 500

Ann Margret e un chopper su base Suzuki 500


Anthony Quinn e Ann Margret su una Triumph



Bob Dylan e la sua Triumph


Brigitte Bardot e la trasgressione a cavallo tra i ’60 e i ’70


Keith Richard su un Harley Davidson (e Mick Jagger in buona compagnia)

Mick Jagger Honda

Mick Jagger e la sua Honda


Paul e Linda McCarntney

SI Mickey Rourke

Mickey Rourke, il suo fantastico stile anni ’80 e l’immancabile Harley Davidson

SI Donald Sutherland

Donald Sutherland indiavolato nella guida

11 Apr 1987, Encino, California, USA --- David Crosby was a member of the 1960s band, the Byrds, and then helped found Crosby, Stills & Nash in 1968. Crosby's addiction to heroin and cocaine led him to several prison sentences during which he failed to kick the habit. After becoming a fugitive and subsequently turning himself in to the FBI, Crosby served a harsher sentence and managed to beat his drug addiction and return to his songwriting career. --- Image by © Roger Ressmeyer/CORBIS

David Crosby della band Crosby, Stills & Nash a Los Angeles nel 1987. Courtesy of Corbis©


Hunter Thompson e la sua Penton (solo il grande Hunter poteva guidare una Penton!)


Dennis Hopper negli anni ’80: Sportster e sigaretta


Elvis Presley e la sua Harley Davidson

SI Clint_Dove osano le aquile

Clint Eastwood a Londra. A breve saranno cominciate le riprese di “Dove osano le aquile”

Inspiration and some images via The Selvedge Yard (www.theselvedgeyard.com)

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